Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tamarkin Challenged, Graciously and Gracefully Declined

David Tamarkin of Time Out Chicago blogged about us a while back, giving a shout out to our birthday party and pondering about our cake from Charm City Cakes. - how did we manage to get a cake from this famous bakery? Duff had some words for Tamarkin suggesting insider tomfoolery was involved in Grape Juice getting a cake from a bakery that is booked solid. Tamarkin posted about it. The blogosphere took notice. Again and again and again.

We're in the middle, like "woah, everybody take it ease".

The next step was a no-brainer: pie eating contest. We issued the following challenge to Tamarkin:

"Dear David Tamarkin,

On behalf of Duff Goldman and the band ...soihadto..., Grape Juice
Records issues the following formal challenge to you:

In light of all the recent internet hubbub regarding miscommunications, and in an attempt to have some fun with this, we come to propose that this dispute be settled like gentlemen. We challenge you to come to Double Door on the evening of September the third, 2009 to put this disagreement to rest in a most honorable fashion: a pie eating contest. Whomever consumes the most amount of pie in three minutes time shall be declared the winner.

If you win, Duff will sit down with you and gladly answer any questions honestly and earnestly. If Duff should win, you must admit that ...soihadto... is the greatest rock band of all time. Either way, a good time will be had and pies (and cake) will be eaten. The only question now is: will you accept this challenge as it has been presented to you? Please respond in a timely fashion.

Grape Juice Records

Tamarkin gracefully responded, but declined, citing a wish to remain anonymous as his main reason. Understandable. He also said:

"I really wish I could participate...I'm all for resolving conflicts (and this one has certainly been blown out of the water), especially when there is pie involved."

We said "that's cool" and moved on with life. Now we're setting our sights straight ahead to the Double Door on September 3rd, and the cake.

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